Drs. Bryan Wermelink
Technisch Geneeskundige MST / PhD student Universiteit Twente
Als technisch geneeskundige doe ik mijn promotie onderzoek bij de vakgroep M3I aan de universiteit Twente in samenwerking met de vaatchirurgie in het Medisch Spectrum Twente. Mijn onderzoek richt zich op peroperative beeldvorming van de perfusie van de benen en de kwantificatie hiervan.
Assessing the microcirculation of the foot with laser speckle contrast imaging during endovascular and hybrid revascularisation procedures
This presentation shows the results of the introduction of continuous laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) measurements during revascularisation procedures in a hybrid operating theatre in patients with chronic limb threatening ischemia. The primary results will be demonstrated, showing a good to excellent inter-observer variation, indicating that different observers are capable to analyse LSCI data without conflicting interpretations. The relationship between LSCI outcome parameters and currently used clinical parameters for successful revascularisation will be shown.